November 2, 2012

Move on?

The following events  happened last wednesday at the house of a friend:

Me: I'm envious of the (insert name of group of friends here). They're complete and they get to hang out during school breaks
Friend: Well, those people are stuck on their high school life
Me: how so?
Friend: I mean, they don't want to get over their high school lives that is why they hang out whenever they can. But people have to move on, which do you prefer high school or college?
Me: College...
Friend: See what I mean, people have to grow up and move on with their lives. The people you meet in college are better than the people in high school, if you keep on hanging out with your friends in high school you are putting up a wall for your self.

end of scene

When my friend said this, I couldn't react at first. I was just complaining about the fact that our barkada has never had a bonding moment where we were complete. By the way she explained herself, it almost meant that she doesn't see us as people worth hanging out with anymore. I just can't believe it, or maybe that was just how I interpreted what she said. But come on, just because your college life is better than your high school life doesn't mean that you should move on with your life and stop hanging out with us your FRIENDS.

Whether they were your friends in high school or in college, they are still your friends right? Wouldn't you want to see them after a long time?